In this episode of E-Coffee with Experts, host Victor Julio Coupé sits down with David Alonso, Founder of Blauwasser Tech, to explore how businesses can thrive in highly competitive markets. David shares his journey from IT to the water purification industry, highlighting the importance of differentiation, exceptional service, and building trust with customers. He discusses the challenges of balancing family and business, navigating partnerships, and standing out against industry giants by prioritizing quality over price. With insights into effective marketing strategies, customer education, and the role of SEO for smaller businesses, this conversation is packed with actionable lessons for entrepreneurs looking to grow their businesses sustainably. Whether you’re in a niche market or competing with established players, this episode will inspire you to embrace service and innovation to win customer loyalty.
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The key to thriving in a competitive market is combining cutting-edge technology with exceptional service to deliver unmatched value.
Welcome back, everybody. This is Victor from Digital Web Solutions, E-Coffee with Experts. Right now, not only do we have an amazing person who’s really shy, but you’re all going to see that it’s a lovable person. But we have here one of the founders of Blauwasser. Then you’re going to ask yourself, But, Victor, Blauwasser? What is this? David is going to tell us, David, thank you so much for being here, David. I really appreciate your time. I really appreciate your energy. I usually start with asking some specific questions or making sure that the guest is as comfortable as possible. But then again, blah, blah, blah, what is it about? How do you pronounce it? Where did it came from? Do tell us more about yourself. Introduce you to the people, to the audience, and be comfortable. This is, as the name suggests, just an e-cauffy so that everybody can take a look at yourself, understand your market, and understand your ideas and expectations for next year. You have the mic.
Having been here, it’s such a pleasure to be with you. It’s been an honor to know you. Actually, really nice. I was choking when you contact me. I was like, what? Thank you so much.
Well-come on, it’s the minimum I can do.
Blauwasser. Actually, as you said, how do you pronounce it?
Blauwasser. Okay.
Yeah, it means blue water. The reason that we choose this name is because everybody was called like Water Something, Aqua Something, or all the companies had the same mixture of words. We said, We need to be different. Everybody’s calling themselves the same. Actually, we have a lot of relationships with our competitors.
Actually, they hire us. Sometimes we don’t know with who we are talking to because they have similar names. That’s where it comes from. It drives people crazy because nobody knows how to spell it or to write it, the name, but I thought it’s worth the experience to be different.
Of course it is. Of course, it stands out. It helps it stands out. That’s the most important.
I’m crazy, but it’s fine.
Especially when the product doesn’t have AI or RGB, it’s good to make sure that you stand out the most you can, even if it’s just with the branding. What else can you do? We believe.
We will see.
I understand her completely. David, one thing that really caught my attention while getting to know you was your degree in aeronautical management, right?
I have studies in physics and aeronautical management. To be honest, I have a three or four course subjects that I didn’t finish, so I don’t have the degree.
Okay, I see.
It’s going to kill one of these days because I never finish it. But yeah, I have many years in college, the truth is that. And yeah, I studied that because I really love it. It was one of my passions, the aeronautical. When I was young, I wanted to be a pilot like everybody who had seen Tom Cruise flying in Topcan. Actually, I finished after a few years. I was in the sales team of Iberia. It’s the Spanish company. Okay. I really enjoyed that. But life goes on and made a change. I’ve been always in the aeronautical business. No, I haven’t been, whether I was there a few years, but I always loved it with also the IT business. Actually, I made my first software program when I was 14 years old.
Nice. That’s really nice.
Congratulations. It was a stupid game. I don’t know, shooting that game in an old computer. My passions have been always the IT and the planes. That’s more or less my background.
I see.
My hobbies became part of my career. But then I had to change once more and I made a huge jump.
I really want to ask you about the jump. But first, you mentioned the video game and you created it when you were 14 years old. We have a lot of geeks listening to us tuning here in the podcast. Do you still play? Do you still game today? How is your gamer inner child in 2024?
No, I don’t play.
That’s a pity. No gamer inner child.
No, I really loved it and I used to play a lot. I’m sorry. It’s amazing. You see the new developments that are… It’s just crazy.
But I don’t have time to do it. Yeah, especially VR nowadays. I think it’s the hotshot in gaming. We We have VR. It was yesterday. I know it’s nothing about the topic, but Resident Evil 2 for the PlayStation 5 is now live for the iPhone and the iPad. It’s crazy that we’re going to have AAA games in the palm of the hand where you take calls and work.
For me, it’s a little bit shocking. When I started with computers and you just played alone, we didn’t have internet. But when you see somebody playing with a hundred people all around the world at the same time in the same place, and they speak to each other, it really amazes me. But I think the last time I did it, it was with, I don’t know if we can say number, name, what you already said.
We can, we can for her. Okay.
I played in a friend’s house to the Call of Duty. Okay. With many other people. I had so stressed, and I said, That’s not for me.
I was had a heart attack. They were shooting me.
I You know what you mean. These shooters nowadays, Kalf Dirty, Fortnite, if you don’t play 20 hours a day, you’re going to get stressed out because there are kids playing 20 hours a day, kicking your butt when you’re online.
It was scary. I mean, it was like, Oh, shit.
Yeah, I can see that the grenade, it’s 10 grenades out at once and shooting and you die and then you respond. Yeah, it’s awful. I hear Kalf Dirty is really stressful for everybody.
I’m sorry for the geeks.
No, but I think they will agree. Kalf Dirty It’s always a niche. Even though it’s not a niche, it is a niche inside of the gaming community. They say that players who only play Calv Dutti are not gamers. This is a conversation for a different podcast, though. Yeah, I’m afraid. It’s super fun. But what we want to do right Now, what I want to do and what I want to ask is about the jump then. We know that you are a very busy man. You’ve worked with a lot of things. You have several companies that you built yourself, but you are also a family person who always like to be with your kids, as I can see. How do you mix up the great father with the great professional? How did you end up in the purifying system, the water purifying system, after everything you told us?
A family with business is really complicated. That’s one of the things that it really hurts a little bit sometimes.
I can see.
You have to measure what is most important in each time of your life. Actually, my company didn’t grow as much as it could for a while because I had to… When my two girls were really small, I had to dedicate more time to them. Makes sense. My wife is not a home Usually, she flies, she’s on a Airbus. So I had to choose between business and family. I had to go to the family for a few years. Now they have grown up a little bit and I’m back to business. But it’s complicated to have family and business. It’s not easy, at least in here in Spain, I guess all around the world. I think everyone has to do the call. They have to choose whatever they want. And that’s what I did. I said, Okay, I’m going to grow in the business when a little bit older, and that’s it. And now that’s where we’re going, of course, more implicated.
That’s great to know. And it’s one of the upsides of the remote era we live in as well. Even though your product, it’s not a digital one, and I want to ask you more about this, it is a possibility for to work with your kids next to you. This is one of the best things ever, for sure. I have popcorn here. She’s my dog. I also love just looking at her during the workday to see how she is. I think it keeps us humane while working.
Yeah, it does.
It is like that. But then now that, as you said, you had this history in your career, you have now working with Blauwasser for five years, how did it all start? Because five years ago, we’re talking about 2019, so we’re talking another pre-COVID company here.
Yeah. Well, the truth, at the beginning, I think you asked me also about that family and all this stuff, but also how I made the jump. Okay, I was the IT director in a franchise consulting company.
So I had one customer that was dedicated to to the water purification business. I like that because for me, coming from the IT, I thought it was quite simple to sell something like water. I thought, Okay, if I ever leave the IT sector or the franchise sector, I think that’s a good business. It is. Once in my life, I decided, Okay, I need a fresh start because the IT sector being… I was working with probably the 20 top companies in the world We were a nice consultancy company. Nice. Somebody was really stressful, and I didn’t see myself with 55 years old being able to keep up with all the information with last technologies and all the stuff. I said, I need something more simple. That’s how I started working with that guy, with that franchise, that they had created a business of renting weather purifiers. I became a franchisee and also partner of the franchise. I realized that they didn’t know as much as I thought about water, so I had to study a lot and starting a whole complete different way of living. When you start like that, you really need to study a lot.
You need to meet people that can show you how it goes and everything. I’m six, so I’ve been in business for more than 18 years.
And then Blauwaser, I created actually Blauwaser. It was in the year 2012, but in the last five years, we have become bigger because- I apologize for the miss information.
No, that’s fine.
No, actually, it’s completely new, the bloodwasser, because a big company called me and wanted to join us and be part of it. Nice. I still have a biggest % of the company, but I have partners that are really a huge company, the vending machine companies. So That let us also grow much better, bigger, faster. I’m really grateful about that. Nice. The COVID hit us. It was painful. Yeah, I agree.
But It’s always good to have a nice partner no matter where.
Yeah, it’s difficult. I promise my wife that I would not have any more partners because you said that I’ve been in many companies, and that’s true, I have different businesses. Okay. This time, I think, wow, I really appreciate. I don’t know if they will see this podcast, but I’m thankful that I have a really good, serious partner. That’s a key point, actually.
They will watch it. They’re probably smiling right now knowing that you like them. For sure. Nice to know. Now, talking about these partners, now that you told me that you have more people working with you. Back in the day, in 2014, this is a trivia for the audience, but I was working as a marketing intern at Electrolux, one white appliance brand here in Europe, one of the biggest, right? Back in Brazil, for two years working at Electrolux as an intern, I was working in the water purifier department of the company. I was even talking to David here before the podcast started how happy I am that I’m finally able to talk about water purifier systems without being the weirdo in the room. But one thing that I kept with me all these years in Another thing that I really loved about the market back then was product development. When you had to develop a water purifier, it usually wasn’t about the highest end performance motor engine or cooling system, depending on the niche and market, of course. But it had to have a match of good price, good quality, good design, because sometimes a decision maker of a water purifier wants the kitchen to be as beautiful as possible, and he or she doesn’t care if the water gets as many purified as possible.
You have this. But then again, I was working in 2014 in Brazil. How is it today here for you to develop products or to develop strategies, anything to help you sell more to your target?
Okay, in here right now, we have Two or three companies actually are around three huge companies, two American, one French, that are small companies getting a little bit. We have to stand out somehow. How we do it with the best technology, the best service, especially with the best service possible. We need to… What does it mean? A little bit like you said, you have customers that what they want is the best kitchen possible with a really a nice machine. It cools the water. But if the water is not the best water in the world- They don’t care. Then you have the other customers that for them, the best quality and safety, especially safety. When you talk with somebody who has been suffering a serious disease, they want to make sure that what they eat, what they drink is the best possible, that they have the best quality possible. Then you really need the best product to really make sure that they receive the best quality of water that they can. Here in Madrid, the business is hard because in Madrid it’s famous because the water has very low minerals inside.
Okay. So it’s good water.
But the truth is what you get in your house after- The treatment. The pipes and all this stuff is not as good as you think. So when you have a person that is concerned about the safety of the water, you really need to have a very nice quality machine. I will say that right now, it’s still like the old days, probably the American means European machines and South Korean machines. So manufacturers are a little bit… They have a little bit more quality than-Nice to know.
Do you mind sharing why? Is it just quality control?
It’s actually development and investigation. You can see in In Europe, I can say that probably the best machines are made or some of the best ones are made in Italy.
Really happen. You can see that every year they are improving. They are not cheap. That’s the problem. If you want to go to a market to everybody like Electrolux, they have- Several machines for small people. Sorry.
Yes, exactly. They have several options in your budget terms. They have the entry level and the highland.
That’s right. Then you really have to be a huge manufacturer because to sell something cheap, you have to fight with Amazon, you have to fight with AliExpress. Yes. The only way to survive for us is good service, the better machines possible. We cannot go to the cheapest machines. It’s not our market. We cannot compete over there because there’s no way. And I think that’s the key point, not in my business, in most of them. If you want to thrive, you have the huge companies on one side and you have the Chinese market like Aliexpress and something like that. You cannot go just for price.
But it’s not different in the SEO market as well because we have several big companies doing SEO for years in delivering links with quality, and you have smaller ones who are just started. I’m not talking bad about them at all, but they don’t have the same level of delivery that the big one has. That’s natural. The big one has money to invest. It’s as simple as that, right? One thing we do here to keep customers coming back is giving them good service, giving them good support overall during their journey. You mentioned that support is always very important, but the quality of the product is the best one yet. I can assume that this is the drive that you look for in order to get the customer back. Delivering them already the first time the best support service delivery possible with a great product that they won’t need to change quickly. If they do, they’ll come back to you. That’s right. Because… Please do talk more about this.
It all starts when the first relation, the first time you see a customer, it all starts over there. You really need to show them that you know what you’re talking about. Yes. That’s the main difference of Vlaamwaser with other competitors. With the huge competitors, they just receive Hundreds of calls of people interested in their products, and they send you an email with the offer or whatever. No, we try to, obviously, to get as many customers as possible, and we did all means possible. But at the end, we always try to go to see the customer. We want to show them we are here, that they can count on us, and we will be for them if there is any problem, and we can explain all the good things that our products have and why Why should they choose you instead of- products. I think that’s our main difference. It’s not easy. We’ve been in the market a long time. We are not a big company, but We keep growing, and we want to grow as much as possible as a company. But- I do. We’re ready to do it slowly but firmly.
No, it is a good point. Again, we’re not talking about RGB CPUs, GPUs. We’re not talking about engines, we’re not talking about cars or clothing. The more you can keep the guy around, the happier he’ll be, the best for you. Then you are mentioning that you always want to have more customers, and who doesn’t. See, if even Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos want more customers, who are we to not look for more customers? The guys already have all the money in the world anymore. In terms In terms of marketing, talking about a little bit of marketing now, we already know the basis of the project, the basis of your structure, what you sell, how you sell. But since you are always looking to have more customers, to grow the awareness, what exactly in marketing terms do you do? Which channels do you use? Do you go to events, for example, or is it more of an ads, an SEO thing?
Since the product here in Madrid, we are a nationwide company, but the truth is that we are strong in Madrid. As I said, the water is quite good. They don’t even know what it is. We have been making an education effort to let the people know what do we have, especially in companies and all that stuff. But I’m sorry, I went blank.
Don’t worry, it’s fine. It’s super fine. No, Marketing. The marketing, yeah.
At the beginning, when we started, the marketing was more the one-on-one relationship with somebody and then growing what the people say about you and all this stuff. It was the early internet.
You obviously have to base it in these platforms like LinkedIn. Actually, the main way to get customers in here right now is through the ads in Google, in Facebook, and all that. But always thinking that after we get a lead, somebody has to go to the customer.
That’s our main difference with other companies, because when you are in a place that it’s like a niche, at least in Madrid it is, you have to build confidence, you have to build trust. The customers, they don’t really know. To be with them, it’s really important. So Yes, we are based in all our marketing. It’s based in internet. But the truth is always the final step, somebody has to go to the customer.
Of course, has to close the deal.
Yeah, that’s right. And really to show them that we know what we are saying. We have earned just because somebody went to see the customer and they said, Okay, I have two, three proposals from other competitors from you. Some of them are cheaper than you. Maybe they have a machine that I like better, but you are the only one who has come. We have come and measure the water that we have in here. We take a little analysis. Nice. Then we tell them, Okay, that’s the filters that you need. That’s the machine that you need. I think that’s the most important thing in our company right now, and to have good technicians. That’s another point.
For sure. Yeah, I think that’s the core part of your business right now. If you are super dependable on the closing the deal part of it, you need good technicians. That’s for sure. During this conversation, I’m learning with you how important it is to educate the customer. Because, again, it is, as I I did over several times. This is not a tech market. We’re not talking about SaaS software. We’re not talking about the nice things that show up on YouTube. We’re talking about drinking water, which is something that we do every day. We need to do every day, but we usually never put too much thought into what I should buy in order to drink water better. Usually for niches and markets, this is where link building comes into place because you start writing articles about yourself and different publishers so that the awareness grows, the education grows around the readers of these publishers and so on.
That’s right.
Since a lot of the folks here watching us are link builders, do you mind sharing a little bit about your experiences, how you’ve been dealing it in the past few years, and what are your expectations for the future? It doesn’t have to be link building per se, but SEO and the organic side of marketing would be important.
Well, it’s the most important for us because as we said before, our company is not one of the big ones. I have three huge companies or groups that are Seranas are funding, and they can spend as much money as they want in ads. That’s something that we cannot do. For us, the SEO is critical. We knew it right at the start that we had to build this reputation on Internet based on SEO, not on ads, because we won’t ever be able to be in the top places. Our budget for marketing online is like a thousand times less smaller than any other huge company.
Yeah, for sure. And the ads cost a lot.
Yeah, that That is one of the downside of them, but they do… It is as I always say, they do give quicker results, but they do make you spend more money in the short term.
What we do is that the ads that we have, they’re really, really placed in somewhere within the companies. But for us, as you said, it’s really important to create this SEO presence on internet.
Just to be sure, would you say that for smaller companies that are not the enterprises that we know. Depending on niche, depending on everything else, SEO is always a viable route if it makes sense. They always have to keep an eye on SEO if it makes sense.
I think, yeah, if it makes sense, I think it’s the way to do it because it’s easier. It takes a lot of time. It takes, yes. A lot of time and effort. Probably you can do that better than if your budget is not as big as other companies. It’s the only way you have.
Yeah. Backlinks are super important nowadays. Google is always changing their guidelines every six months. They wake up one day, say, Let’s change something. But the backlinks are still one of the most important sides of SEO.
Yeah. Would you say- Sorry, I have learned recently that ChatGPT also… I mean, you have to… I mean, it’s based most on SEO. The youngest people are looking for companies in ChatGPT.
Yeah, or TikTok.
That was TikTok. Don’t talk about TikTok because it drives me crazy.
Me too. I can’t stand it. It’s not for us. But I was talking to my wife about this, I think a month ago. We have a Gen Z friend, and she would always be at home. I remember asking her simple stuff so that she could look it up for me online. Instead of going to Google, she would open TikTok. Tiktok. I was like, Why? Just Google it. I even remember, how do you say it in English, biting my own tongue? Because I was like, Don’t search on TikTok. The TikTok response was better than the Google one. For that query, for that specific moment, it was better.
I never tried that. I would have to.
When you think about TikTok, of course, you think about younglings, right? Yeah. Maybe Water purifier would never be TikTok will never be a good channel for a water purifier.
Not now, but in the future will.
Can be, but can be a good one to educate them about the nice things of drinking good quality water. Not showcasing products, showcasing benefits.
You have a point over there. Yeah, I think that’s- That’s something I have to think about that, actually.
Think about it. Let me know if it works. Let me know if it works so that we can talk to more people about it.
Yeah, my girls are like, I have TikTok banning their cell phones for now.
Yeah, I know. I have it as well, but it’s buried in the app library. If I need to open TikTok, I have it there. If I don’t, then I’m fine with. Let’s start wrapping this up. We are already on 33 minutes. It’s been a nice conversation. I told you it’s going to be a nice conversation. I told you that. I have one. Let me see. I have some questions here. Let me see if I can get a last one. Do you want to talk Can you talk about the franchise models that you worked in the past? Sure? Yeah, that’s fine. Can be?
Yeah, I used to be in one of the biggest consultancy companies.
Let me just ask you the question, and then you can start saying about it. Okay, so David just getting at the end of the conversation, we heard from you that you have worked with franchises in the past by franchising yourself as well. At least in my view, back in Brazil, The franchise model is dying. Companies are looking to buy their own stores. If they had a franchise model in the past, they’re buying it from these people. They want to grow everything into their own control. They want to have the entire control of their entire process and everything else. Today in your market, how is this looking for? How is the franchise model looking for the water purifier system? How is it looking in Europe? Any tips for those who want to start? Any lessons you learned that you would not repeat? Feel free to open your heart.
Okay. Well, as you said, actually, I’ve been in all sides of the franchise. I’ve been in all sides, franchises I had. I was a consultant also. I think I’ve been all around the franchise, at least for a few years. I think the problem with franchise, it’s that, at least in Spain, I’m probably part of Europe, is that people that they have a good business, it’s nice, it runs fine, and they want to grow. So they think, Why don’t we franchise it and we keep growing through this system? And they forget to grow themselves. They try to get bigger with the effort of somebody else. And usually, when you see that you have 10 new establishments or stores or restaurants, and they pay you every month a fee or something like that, it becomes your business to grow with more franchises. Instead, you forget your business. That’s what I’ve seen. What I’ve seen is that all the years, they have new businesses in franchise and they close a lot of them in a year because they are forgetting to grow themselves. You have to prove to a franchisee that you really know your business. Because when you have a little store in I’ve read that sells thousands of coffees or whatever, and you have proven that you know how to do that here.
What does it happen if we take that business and we go to Lisbon, for example? Sure. Maybe your experience over there, if you don’t really control the processes, if you don’t really know how to help the guy over there, if you don’t have really a huge experience and you are able to afford having some someone to help in your company, someone specialized to help your franchises, you’re dead. That’s what it happens all the time. The big companies inside of franchise, let’s talk McDonald’s, Burger King, if you see them, they have many stores that are owned by themselves. After that, they keep growing on franchises with the franchises, but with a strong control from the headquarters and making sure that the The customer experience in Madrid is the same that the customer experience in Lisbon. It doesn’t usually happen that.
That’s a great point.
Actually, it happened something really funny that you show your business to somebody. One year later, two year later, he thinks he knows about your business more than.
More than, yeah.
Then you go to his company or to his store or his restaurant, and you start seeing things that you don’t have in your business. You can start to think, imagine It’s a burger restaurant. Why do you have pizzas?
The McDonald’s movie talked about this. Did you see the McDonald’s movie, the founder movie? I love it.
I just got it once. I love it.
Yeah, but they do talk about it selling I believe it was, chicken wings in one of the franchises in McDonald’s. Then Ray, I think was the name of the guy who is played by Batman. Yes, by Michael Keaton. I remember him saying, Oh, but this is not in our menu. I see what you’re talking about. It’s the same.
It It happens all the time.
People still have not learned.
No, it’s one of the biggest mistakes. First, grow yourself, make your business grow a lot. When you really control your business, you can start franchising, but you need money, you need budget to have somebody to help your franchises. If you have two, three stores and you think that you’re going to get rich because your business is huge and the people love it, you cannot be in two places at the same time.
It’s the common mistake in all franchises. If I have to say something from my experience, if somebody is looking to be franchises of a company, make sure where are you getting inside. The business can be lovely. You can see that it’s growing all this stuff, but make sure you will have support. Make sure that they have good processes, that they tell them to show you that they really have this expertise of their own business because you can be a really good cook. I have a huge restaurant, but you don’t know how to control finances. You don’t know how to control the budget of the company. You are probably the best chef in the world, but maybe it’s not for you a business.
Yes. I’m glad that I asked you this because I learned a lot with you. I think we can wrap up with a last question which will have a same meaning, and I’ll let you know. You mentioned that you are 55 years old right now, right?
51. Thank you.
51. So 51. Okay. You are older, more experienced than I am. We do have a lot of younglings watching here as well, people from my generation or younger generations. One thing that I always love to ask more experienced people, is there something in your life that you regreted doing or not doing that you will tell us, younger generation, to not repeat the same mistake?
I have done thousands of mistakes, thousands.
Who haven’t? Nice.
There’s I’m just saying that I regret in my life, but it’s personal, it’s not business.
It’s super fine. If you want to share, you can. It’s just something really personal.
I have made a lot of mistakes. I try to always apologize when I hurt somebody.
That’s a good thing that I always do as well. Always apologize. Yes.
Do my best every day. I’m not really older. I mean, I don’t consider myself somebody that can tell people what to With this, at least for me, what it works is that I really need to sleep, go to bed and think that if I have done something wrong, it was a mistake, it wasn’t done on purpose, and I would always try to be I define with myself. That’s what it defines my life. Yes, I have a lot of mistakes, but regrets, I try not to have. I try to be as honest as possible because I couldn’t sleep. It’s that simple. For me, if I’m not honest, I don’t sleep, and I really need to sleep. There’s no way.
I told people at the beginning that you were a great person. I wasn’t wrong. We have right here a great piece of knowledge. People don’t slip until you can understand what you can do better the next day.
I I think that’s a great-It’s a good summary.
Yeah, it’s a good summary. If you need to sleep, of course you can, but always think about your day before turning off the system.
This is a personal thing of mine. When I started dating my wife, we’d be married 25 years.
Congratulations. Yeah, thank you. I told her, I’m dating you, but just in one condition. It’s that before we go to sleep, we have to talk any problem that we may go to sleep and next day start talking about the problem that we had yesterday because you have been all night thinking about that, not talking to me or I haven’t been talking to you.
Not going to express in yourself. You start thinking about all the wrong things.
If you do that, if you don’t talk before you go to sleep, the other person, when he gets up, maybe has taken some decisions that are completely wrong because he has misunderstood what you have said, or at the end, you have said something that you didn’t want to say or you didn’t mean to, and that’s what they got in their mind. That’s the only condition. Actually, it’s the truth. I said, Okay, if we’re going to… I only have one condition. I think we need to talk to solve any problem that we have.
I love this. It was the best. It was the best for sure. Wow. Amazing. David, I really don’t want to take your time anymore, so let’s wrap this up. I’ll stop and then we’ll say goodbye to each other. Okay? Okay.
Thank you so much for having me here once again. It’s been lovely to have you. I really- Thank you.
We love yours as well. I love knowing you, knowing your expertise, how it works in Spain. I imagine everybody had fun in this episode as well. I really appreciate you being here. In the future, I want to have you back to talk more about water purifying systems. Thank you. Yeah. For everyone else, we’re going to be sharing David’s contact information in this post as well as his company, BlueWaster. You can always get in touch if you need higher quality water for yourself and your family. This is Victor from eCoffee with experts at Digital App Solutions. David, once again, thank you so much. May you all have an amazing End of Week, and we’ll talk soon enough. Bye-bye. Thank you so much. Bye-bye.