White Label SEO Reseller Program To Grow Your Revenue

  • 250,000+ keywords ranking on the first page of Google
  • Trusted by 85+ agencies
  • White Label Reporting
  • Dedicated account manager
  • 99% Retention Rate
  • Our agency partners save up to 67% on their operational costs

Whether you’re a big agency or just starting in your client servicing journey, we have an SEO solution that would match your needs perfectly without going over your budget. Apart from being a very cost effective method to achieve SEO success, using SEO reseller services has scores of other advantages too. It lets you do what you do best while maintaining a Low investment – high profit ratio. We also provide On-demand services that are flexible as per your budget.

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    The Biggest Benefits of Outsourcing SEO

    Apart from being a very cost effective method to achieve SEO success, using SEO reseller services has scores of other advantages too.

    It lets you do what you do best

    Using an SEO reseller gives you the freedom to concentrate on your strength areas. As an agency you always want your clients to have the best experience possible. With outsourcing your client SEO requirements you can free up your resources to deliver high-performance on your areas of expertise.

    Low Investment – High Profit

    Partnering with an SEO reseller is far too economical when compared to allocating your own resources for the same tasks. Don’t let the low costs give you different ideas though, the positive impact SEO reseller services have on your bottom line definitely makes it a sound investment choice.

    Flexibility as per your budgett

    Another great thing about outsourcing SEO is that it allows you to be flexible as per your client’s spending capacity. This gives you the ability to pitch packages that can be tailor made to specific requirements, giving your clients a positive experience with your agency.

    On-Demand Services

    An SEO Reseller gives you the comfort of a ‘Pay as you go’ model, meaning you don’t need to sign costly retainers and can always demand SEO services as and when your clients require. This proves to be a handy arrangement for small agencies who are still finding their feet within their niche.

    Private Label SEO Solutions That Fit
    Any Size Agency

    Whether you’re a big agency or just starting in your client servicing journey, we have an SEO solution that would match your
    needs perfectly without going over your budget.

    If you are an agency with not too much SEO experience:

    • We will help you with your SEO pitches
    • Keyword Research
    • End to end SEO White Label management
    • Track performance across projects
    • Create white labeled monthly, quarterly and yearly SEO reports

    If you are an agency with some SEO experience and want to outsource selected activities like:

    • Site audit
    • Guest posts
    • Keyword research
    • Niche edits
    • Content outline
    • Citations / Tier two link building
    • On page reports

    The DWS Reseller SEO Process

    Designed For Ambitious Agencies


    We initiate a dialogue to get acquainted with your agency. Our head of SEO presides over this call along with the team. The objective is to understand your agency, current SEO client profile, operational capabilities and costs of the agency and growth plan of SEO projects

    Defining Scope of Work

    Based on the initial discussion, we determine where we can fit in the process. Based on this discussion we decide if the entire process should be outsourced or some specific parts of the process.

    Planning the Project

    We lay down protocols, assign teams, define timelines, set expectations. We also assign dedicated account managers for your agency

    Executing the Project

    Next, we get you logged on to our custom built agency CRM which will help you connect and collaborate with your extended team (us) and manage all your projects smoothly

    Our reseller seo success stories

    An E-commerce Fabric Website

    This is a US-based brand that is a one-stop shop for all fabric needs. With a good social media presence, they wanted to also rank at the top of search engines.
    We developed an on-page strategy for their website and a custom link-building strategy. This was executed by providing niche edits and guest posts.
    We also performed error resolution. And we achieved 235 % growth in traffic to the website in 5 months.

    A premium carpet cleaning supply store in the UK

    They came to us with a specific ask- increase traffic to the website. We worked on detailed competitor analysis and drew up a backlink strategy and developed guest posts that were posted on High DA sites in the cleaning niche.
    We also performed on-page SEO and error resolution as part of the SEO strategy. This helped us deliver 289% growth in 7 months.

    We helped GoRizen reduce its operational
    cost by 67%

    We’re the solutions partner for 85+ agencies globally that help their clients achieve their marketing targets.

    With Go Rizen, we partnered with them to streamline their operations by becoming an extension of their team and offering regular white label reporting to help them reduce operational cost by 67%

    Talk To Us about Your SEO Requirements Now

    Let’s Discuss Your SEO Requirements Now

      Frequently Asked Questions

      All our agency facing resources have a minimum 5 years of experience working with international clients. So communication is never an issue

      We have an inhouse CRM that helps you track all your work being managed by DWS

      We have accomplished copywriters as part of our in-house team so that our agency partners never hear a complaint about content not being written by a native writer

      We have dedicated country specific IP’s for each agency that completely eradicates this problem

      We Love talking about Reseller SEO

      MEET DAWOOD BUKHARI I Chief of Partnerships & Growth

      Drop-in your details to book a RESELLER SEO CALL with our experts and GET RANKING!

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